Can I sell white oak trees and logs?
Absolutely. White oak timber is highly valuable and easy to sell because demand for it is strong, and is likely to remain so for years to come. But you should never sell it directly to a sawmill.
Do I have marketable timber or just trees?
If you have a stand with more than 50 mature hardwood trees, and all have diameters at breast height (DBH) greater than 16 inches, then you have timber that you can probably sell.
Do you do clear cutting?

Yes, we do — when it’s the appropriate solution for you. The term “clear cutting” is widely misunderstood among the general public, who often confuse it with land clearing.
What are the long-term effects of timber harvesting?

When done correctly, harvesting timber can have multiple positive long-term effects on your forest and its ecosystem: Forest Health and Regeneration: Selective harvesting removes mature
How long does it take to harvest timber?

This depends on several factors, including the size of the area, the density and type of trees, the terrain, and weather conditions. Generally, a typical timber harvest
Will you charge me for an estimate?

No, we do not charge a fee to estimate the value of your timber. Our certified forester will conduct a timber cruise on your property free of charge.
Do you buy land with timber on it?

Yes, we are interested in purchasing timbered land. If you own a property with at least 10 acres of wooded land and are considering selling, we would be happy to evaluate it.
Can I sell trees that were knocked down by a storm?

Yes, you can certainly sell timber that has been damaged in a storm, provided it hasn’t started to rot or degrade from being on the ground too long.
What are veneer logs?

Veneer logs are very high-quality logs used to produce veneer, a thin layer of wood that is applied to the surface of furniture, plywood, and other wood products to enhance their appearance.
Are my trees big enough to sell?

Typically, we look for trees that are at least 18 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), which is measured at about 4.5 feet above the ground. This size ensures that the trees are mature enough